Memoization with Python

1. Content of a Discrete Hyper Pyramid

We like to compute the number of possibilities \(\P{n, N}\) for \(x = (x_1, \ldots x_n)\) such that \(x_i \in \{0,1,\ldots, N\}\) and \(\sum_i x_i \leq N\). It is easy to see that \(\P{n, N}\) satisfies the recursion: \[\P{n, N} = \sum_{i=0}^N \P{n-1, N-i},\] with boundary conditions \(\P{1, N} = N+1\) for all \(N\). Note that by using the summation above, this condition can be replaced by \(\P{0, N} = 1\) for all \(N\).

Computing \(\P{n,N}\) is easy when we use memoization. In fact, we can code the compuation in nearly one line!

from functools import lru_cache

def P(n, N):
   return (n==0) or sum( P(n-1, N-i) for i in range(N+1) )

print(P(n = 5, N = 80))

2. A probability problem

We throw multiple times with a coin that lands heads with probability \(p\). What is the probability \(\P{n,k}\) to see at least \(k\) heads in row when you throw a coin \(n\) times?

A bit of thinking shows that \(\P{n,k}\) must satisfy the recursion \[\P{n,k} = p^k + \sum_{i=1}^k p^{i-1} q\, \P{n-i,k},\] because it is possible to throw \(k\) times heads from the first throw, but otherwise you throw \(i\), \(i < k\), times a heads, then a tails, after which you have to start all over again.

Reasoning similarly, the expected number times \(\E{n,k}\) to see at least \(k\) heads in row when you throw a coin \(n\) times must satisfy the recursion \[\E{n,k} = p^k(1+\E{n-k,k}) + \sum_{i=1}^k p^{i-1} q\, \E{n-i,k}.\]

p = 0.5
q = 1. - p

def P(n, k):
    probability to see at least k heads in row when a coin is thrown n times
    if n < k:
        return 0
        return sum(P(n-i,k) * p**(i-1) * q for i in range(1,k+1)) + p**k

def E(n, k):
    expected number of times to see at least k heads in row when a coin is thrown n times
    if n < k:
        return 0
        tot = sum(E(n-i,k) * p**(i-1) *q for i in range(1,k+1))
        tot += p**k * (1 + E(n-k,k))
        return tot

k = 2

for n in range(k,10):
    print(n, P(n,k), E(n,k))